Science is a central part of Oceanwide’s culture and history, starting with our roots in the Plancius Foundation. But it is also vital to our growing understanding of the polar environment.
We are therefore happy to assist in the following projects:
Documenting and analyzing Arctic litter by helping scientists like Wouter Jan Strietman monitor plastics and microplastics as part of his Arctic Litter Project with Wageningen University & Research.
Offering our passengers the chance to participate in citizen science projects that directly contribute to current Arctic and Antarctic research.
Facilitating the work of scientists like Martine Van den Heuvel-Greve, who studies non-native invasive species in the Arctic, by inviting her to conduct research on our vessel Plancius.
Delivering scientific equipment such as ARGO floats, which measure water temperature, salinity, and pressure to discover out how climate change impacts the oceans.
Hosting researchers on our ships who study ice cores, weather fluctuations, and CO2 concentrations in order to advance our knowledge of climate change, its effects, and how we can curtail (or possibly even reverse) its devastating impact.
Hiring many of the aforementioned scientists as lecturer-guides, enabling these professionals to share their important and fascinating research with our passengers.