Eine tolle Umrundung von Spitzbergen mit einigen Tauchgängen. Sehr ausgewogenes Gesamtpaket. Der große Polarbär im Packeis direkt an der Bordwand war für mich das Highlight.
Auf dieser Expeditionstour waren die ersten 2 Tage ein wenig ernüchternd, weil wir wegen des schlechten Wetters u der Stürme nicht die Route fahren konnten, die ursprünglich angedacht war. Wir
Great Crew and great guides; good food, good planning and last not least good weather!
Die Reise war ein eindrucksvolles Erlebnis von Anfang bis Ende. Von Langeweile keine Spur! Sehr kompetente Guides, wunderbares Essen, tolle Gastfreundschaft auf der Plancius. Nur zum weiterempfehlen!! Nä
We took this 2018 Polar Bear Special Cruise on MV Plancius in June. We had wonderful 7 days on the ship with every day activities organized by the crew and expedition team members. We were very lucky to be a
The polar bear experience.... I travelled together with my partner and mother-in-law, the latter of whom is mad about bears (all sorts of bears). Highlights - emphasis on safety, good advice preparing for la
I am a naturalist photographer for more than 30 years, I had many expectations on this trip due to its name, "polar bear special" but the reality is that this trip is suitable for tourists without
The Svalbard Arctic expedition cruise was an excellent experience of the Arctic environment and the current climatic pressures affecting the flora and fauna of the area. The facilities on the ship were well
Polar bear special - and it was - a group of 3 adults feeding on sea ice and a mother and 2 cubs frolicking on an island. It was glorious. The scenery, the walruses, birds, flora, the majestic scenes of sea
Absolutely loved the trip. Beautiful places to explore, monumental glaciers and breathtaking beauty to be experienced.
It was very good and I really enjoyed it. Good guides, expedition leader en good decisions that made it an awesome trip. Got a good view of Spitsbergen.
Die Reise "Ins Eisbärenland" war ein grandioses Erlebnis! Jeder Cent war es wert, die Mannschaft und das Exkursionsteam haben alles erdenkliche versucht, uns ein unvergessliches Urlaubserlebni
The trip was an amazing experience. The ship was perfect for the trip, the crew and service personel were extremely polite and helpful and delivered an experience of a lifetime. Thank you Oceanwide !!