
Overall rating based on 1,137 votes
Overall rating based on 1,137 votes




Outdoor activities




The adventure of a lifetime, spending time in the outdoors, getting up close to nature, in the experienced hands of an expert team.
We were in Antarctica with the MS Plancius over Christmas and New Year. We slept through the Drake Passage crossing very well with the help of the medication and managed to jump off thanks to the advice from the board doctor. Luckily we had very good weather throughout the entire trip, so we were able to experience and see a lot of wildlife. The entire board crew (service, guides, reception, housekeeping and captain) were coordinated so that short-term changes to plans worked smoothly. The specialist lectures were professional and worth knowing, the support was exceptional and the program was very varied! In all a wonderful, extraordinary experience. We are already planning our next tour to the Arctic to see the polar bears ;-)
by Adriana Iordan
This was the perfect trip. Very professional, friendly and helpful staff. Amazing landscapes and many opportunities to see wild life. All the optional activities very well organised. Fortunately, we had perfect weather, so no activity has been cancelled. Highly recommended!
by Sharon Li
From the crew to the experience itself, the trip was absolutely amazing! I was so well taken care of during the entire trip all I had to do was enjoy as much as I can! The food and activity options are so abundant you are for sure going to get what you prefer. I never wanted to tip a trip so badly until this one.

I am thoroughly impressed with this trip and its realisation by Oceanwide, and I consider myself very lucky to have been able to experience Antarctica this way. We booked through our local travel agent to get flights included in the package, and read through all the descriptions and reviews, but this trip exceeded our expectations in every way. We understood that once in Antarctica, the possibilities in trip was heavily weather dependent, but we didn't expect that the staff and guides would be so invested in giving us the best experience possible in the conditions, and didn't realise that they had the freedom and a wealth of experience to change the itinerary and make the best out of every day. We did end up having the best weather we could have had, and enjoyed every moment aboard Plancius - except the Drake Passage, where even with medication, I vomited for a day and half straight. I can't say enough praise for Pippa, George, Koen, Steffi, Carina, Marco, Brian, Tanja, Patricia, Owain and Dave for their wealth of knowledge, dedication, and friendliness. There was a wonderful vibe on the ship from all staff. To make the most of it, the trip can be truly fantastic with the right attitude

Everyday was filled with excitement one way or another. I enjoyed every second of the voyage. The operation was seamless. The activities, camping, kayaking and mountaineering, were exciting and memorable. The landing and Zodiac cruise were well executed and enjoyable. The Expedition Leader Pippa was flexible and effective. Her decision on changing the plan so all passengers could observe two large groups of killer whales gave us a once in a lifetime opportunity to enjoy the beauty of killer whales swimming in the ocean. Her bonus offer of a Zodiac cruise in Spert Island on the New Year’s Eve enabled us to enjoy the fantasy world filled with mesmerizing icebergs and rocks. All the Expedition Guides were friendly, knowledgeable, and skillful. All the lectures were fascinating and educational. The Christmas and New Year Eve celebrations were especially cheerful. All the meals were delicious. The ship was clean, the staffs were friendly, the Lounge was well equipped with books, games, cards, drinks, and snacks. I love the voyage and would highly recommend it to others.
Amazing, staff are lovely, place is amazing, service is excellent, food is delicious. Good customer service. Passengers need to improve their behaviour and follow the rules and instructions that were clearly given by staff. Lack of landings due to bird flu but staff handle this well and still made sure that the trip was excellent.
by Laskmit Yamaui
Beautifull landscapes, excellent people, We were very lucky looking at the wild life (polar bears a lot).
by Steven Floyd

The trip was absolute perfection. The staff are wonderful and the excursions are fun. Really not a single complaint about that aspect of the trip. The one complaint I do have is that they don't test for Covid and someone clearly had it on our ship because the last day I contracted it and now the whole family is suffering. It wouldn't be too much to ask to test 150 people since it's a cruise that lasts two weeks.

This was the trip of a lifetime. We got to participate in so many outdoor activities with a phenomenal crew. Kayaking, mountaineering, camping, and snowshoeing... this is the way to see Antarctica! The crew really tried with providing vegan food options, but even with 7 vegans on board, there was an issue with providing enough calories given the food, limited dining times and lack of vegan snacks/desserts when others had them. There were almost no vegan proteins on board and the kitchen did not seem equipped with providing enough calories or finding another solution, despite repeated questioning. This made the cruise hard for us. Also, when one of us was injured on a Zodiac, we realized there was really no medicine or medical supplies on board. This is probably pretty standard for smaller Antarctica cruises though, so if something goes wrong, you're pretty much stuck (unless it's so bad that you need an evacuation). The doctor mentioned being able to tape some things together for a bad break and similar. Overall, this really was the best way to do this trip with so many activities and so much wildlife, including whales, penguins, and birds. Everyone on board was phenomenal. Enjoy!

by Надежда Краюшкина
Осуществила на свой день рождения свою мечту, в этом декабре осуществила круиз в Антарктиду. Это, наверное, вершина всех моих путешествий и из-за того, что далеко, и из-за того, что дорого, и из-за того, что попасть сюда и увидеть эту красоту смогли единицы (по сравнению с турпотоком в другие места), и я сред них. Корабль был на 12 дней для меня уютным домом. Обслуживающий персонал очень приветлив, общителен. Воспоминания о завтраках, обедах, ужинах, фантастических десертах и разнообразии фруктов заставляет течь слюнки. Но самые потрясающие были гиды, которые вели по океану наши зодиаки(лодки), готовили для нас разведку высадок и маршрутов, организовывали лекции и конкурсы. Айсберги, многообразие цвета в,казалось бы, белой Антарктике, высокие горы, а не равнина, непуганые и не боящиеся людей совсем птицы, пингвины и тюлени, проплывающие рядом с лодкой горбатые киты, стаи касаток в океане, погода, меняющаяся от метели с ветром до жаркого солнца, когда можно сгореть или искупаться, возможность провести ночь под небом южного полярного круга на земле материка под крики пингвинов и шум падающих глыб льда в воду - это ли не счастье! Конечно, спасибо команде корабля,.
by Gregor Gartzen
I loved the expedition in all its aspects. Sara and team gave their utmost to make this a special, once-in-a--lifetime event, as did the ship and hotel staff. We certainly regretted the restrictions caused by the avian flue and biosecurity regulations, but they are a fact and certainly make sense. The whole trip was a great experience, even though I struggled with the ecological issues of traveling so many miles with the unavoidable climate impact.
by Deborah Gochfeld
Surpassed my expectations! Spectacular ice, so many penguins! Great service!
What an amazing adventure. From the 40+ killer whales surrounding Orteluis when we were barely out of the Drake passage to the amazing ever changing weather and landscapes of Antarctica. You can not imagine how awesome this place is. The expedition team were all passionate experts in their field and the expedition leader (Chris) did everything he possibly could to get us ashore, always managing expectations with clear communication and consistently delivering. Absolutely enjoyed every minute of the expedition - the activities, the comfortable ship, the amazing food, the happy crew and the diversity of passengers. If you want a real adventure you can’t go wrong with this trip.
by Emily Williams
I had been looking forward to this trip for years and was doubtful that there was any way it could meet my expectations; yet, somehow, it completely surpassed them! The Basecamp nature of the trip allowed for such variety and excitement and I couldn't have asked for more from the staff! The expedition staff, hotel staff, and ship staff were so kind, approachable, and knowledgeable. They took us to places I never could have imagined and made sure we were prepared, informed, and safe. Also, I was worried about the environmental impacts this trip would have. While I'm sure there certainly were some, their awareness and discussion of these impacts reassured me that I had picked the best company. I wouldn't hesitate to book this or another Oceanwide trip again!