
Overall rating based on 1,137 votes
Overall rating based on 1,137 votes




Outdoor activities




This trip exceeded my expectations in every way. I expected the destination to be fantastic, but being in Antarctica was more dramatic and beautiful than I had ever imagined. The ship also was more comfortable and nicer than I had expected - with very good food and excellent hospitality services. Finally, the expedition crew did a fantastic job trying to balance the expectations/hopes of the passengers with weather and safety - we made most of our landings, and the lectures and other activities were wonderful. I'm hooked now and already hoping to return to Antarctica! Thanks Oceanwide!

Having previously travelled to the Antarctic Peninsula, my wife and I wanted to return to more distant parts of this gorgeous and fascinating place. The Ross Sea tour, with its abundance of natural wonders and great historical significance, had the ideal itinerary. I can say that all of our high expectations were met, and often even exceeded. With fortunate weather (especially some well-timed sea-ice breakups) and the diligent efforts of both ship and expedition crews, we had one rare and unforgettable experience after another: the rich wildlife of the Southern Ocean, the huts of the great explorers, a tour of McMurdo Station, and the otherworldly beauty of the continent, especially the shimmering blue of the ice. In our trip planning, we evaluated several tours, and the fact that the Ortelius had helicopters emerged as a compelling argument in its favor. This proved out, especially with a landing in the Taylor Dry Valley, an awe-inspiring experience that is otherwise almost impossible. We can't say enough about the crews. They were genuinely committed to providing the best experience. We immediately came look upon them as friends, colleagues, and mentors.

It's so hard to put words to my experience. Of course there were things that i wanted to do that were canceled due to weather and ice, but that is the condition under which you go down there so I was prepared for that. I was also prepared for the endles journey to the peninsula. Not everybody was so maybe you should clarify that on the webpage. I'm very happy about Rolf as expeditionleader. Whenever it was possible he would give us an extra option. For instanser the wonderful zodiakcruise in the ice in the ross sea. The rest of the crew and staff were also very friendly and competent I had a very good time with the other passengers when we met for a coffee in the bar although the coffee was lousy Good Food and cakes otherwise

Once in a lifetime memorable trip. The Oceanwide expedition staff was excellent and kept all the passengers informed of daily activities as well as provide seminars and presentations on whales, seals, penguins, and Antarctica wildlife. Each staff member was easily approachable to ask questions. The zodiac tours and landings on the peninsula and the continent were excellent and safety of all was number one! The scenery and the incredible wildlife was just spectacular. The meals on board were excellent... you felt like you were in a 5 star restaurant for breakfast, lunch, and supper and served by a fantastic set of waiters and waitresses. And if this was not enough, the people you met from various parts of world were friendly and enjoyable to have fun with when not engaged in other activities. If you want to enjoy a once in a lifetime vacation, strongly urge you to take this trip and book with a very experienced Oceanwide Expeditions!

by Michel AYMARD

We really appreciated life on board, how things were organized, what we did in disembarking, your qualified team and so on. Our only regret is that it is a pity to stay on the spot for only 3 and a half days when the total approach time from Paris is four days. A couple of days more disembarking or moving around would be right, even at a cost. Thanks so much.

by wim van passel

Dear fellow-travelers, My wife and I had the extreme prevelage to join countless Oceanwide expeditions during the last 20 years, resulting in thousands of new " free-off-costs" images for the Int. Imagebank of the WWF- headquarters in Switserland. No doubt this unforgatable expeditions to Svalbard ( 18 times) north-west Greenland, North east Greenland (dept. Svalbard towards the Frans Joseph Fjord) Scoresby Sund ( 3 times) Frans Joseph Archipel, Falklands ( 3 times) South Georgia ( 2 times) Weddellsea and the Antarctic peninsula ( 3 times) have changed my wife's and my life completely. Not only the breathtaking beauty become clear to us day after day, but also this planet's vulnarability. So, together, let's do our utmost best to save this world for the children of our children ! And many, many thanks to you, Oceanwide, to offer me your ever lasting helping hand ! I hope to see you again and again and look forward to be your silent guest once again. wim van passel

by frank van vliet

Excellent trip. Great that there are so many excursions. Friendly crew. Professional guides. Solid good food. No complaints.

by Jörg M. Seifert

We were standing in the midst of thousands of penguins, seeing seals, sea-leppards and sea-elephants. Whales, close to touch and birds who were not afraid of humans. In the storm, we were seasick before we could be astonished at house-high bizarre icebergs. We entered the 6th continent and it became the journey of our live. The crew consisted of young people who had a good understanding and enjoyed together. Nobody simply practiced an job. All follow their vocation and live their dreams and ideals. This makes the decisive difference between a good trip and a successful expedition. The leader was David Berg. The man out of the ice! He has often shown on this tour that he always has the right instinct. Thank to the team from Caroline & George.

Outstanding 19 days. Fabulous expedition leader David Berg and Assistant Katja Riedel. All the expedition guides gave of their all with hugely informative lectures, great zodiac cruises and careful attention to safety and also respect for wildlife and the environment. The hotel team on board were delightful - imagine that all the cabin staff and dining room staff knew all guests' names from the start. The Hungarian chef oversaw the provision of really excellent food. When we were threatened with a perilous storm near the S Orkneys Mr Berg, Expedition Leader, courageously changed all the plans and took us south along the peninsula early, and found three days of pure sunshine and magical vistas, breaching whales, and breathtaking sunsets. Even the Drake was calm and we got to see Cape Horn too. We were blessed with exceptional wildlife viewing. Hundreds of thousands of King Penguins at Salisbury Plain in South Georgia, an albatross colony at Saunders Island in the Falklands, Fin whales, Orcas, Peale's dolphin, diving and spy hopping humpback whales off Enterprise Island and a leopard seal kill at half Moon Island. The trip was outstanding: it touched our souls.

by cossart marc

Difficult in a short space to explain a trip like that, specially if English is not your first language.. For me, that was what I have expected, the weather was correct, that permits helicopter tours, but too short; the zodiac landing were nice. Nothing special about the atmosphere during the long days of navigation, many boring days, on the bridge, the crew was for a minimum welcome, no more, they felt happy when we were leaving, sometimes with a suspicious look... I didn't appreciate that, I was very interested in navigation, but every time on the bridge, I felt like a disturbing people. The lectures: Could have been more interesting, good English required. The restaurant ok, but I was on Plancius last year, and Plancius was superior! Cabins on level 3, you have to renew, 5&4 have been rehabilitate, but not 3. I will recommend only to people well informed. Marc Cossart

by Anne Maritta Koskela

Excellent trip to Antarctic!

by Dick Rosen

The Antarctica Peninsula was a spectacular destination, with beautiful landscape of glaciers, icebergs, mountains, channels and intriguing wildlife. We were fortunate to have witnessed three prolonged sitings of humpback (2) and Orca (Killer) Whales (1). But the exceptional aspect of our trip was the crew of the Plancius, all of whom went out of their way to provide for our desires. I am 86 years old and my balance is not what it once was, but the expedition staff cheerfully lent a hand boarding and getting off the Zodiacs and climbing on the rocky surfaces on land. Special diets didn't bother the dining staff. The captain turned the ship around twice so we could be close the the whales, and maneuvered so we were able to change landing sites when necessary. Our return through the Drake Passage was rough (Beaufort Scale = 9) but staff were helpful to make sure everyone was safe. This was an exceptional expedition and the Plancius' staff deserve lots of credit

by Erika Hahn

Unsere Reise zum anderen Ende der Welt - tolle Adventure-Crew, viele und gut ausgewählte Informationen, sehr gute und auch individuelle Betreuung, alle sorgten für das Wohl und hohe Erlebnisqualität der Passagiere, riesiges Glück gehabt mit dem Wetter, viele und ausgedehnte Tierbeobachtungen, Eisberge, Zodiacfahrten sehr gekonnt, Verpflegung an Bord sehr gut, frisch und abwechslungsreich rundum ein einmaliges Erlebnis, alles bestens. Viel mehr Tiere gesehen als die Auswahlmaske zulässt , es waren noch dabei: Königspinguine, Eselspinguin, Macaronipinguine, Magellanpinguine, Seeelefanten, Seeleoparden, Küstenseeschwalben, mehrere Albatrosarten uvm.

by Kathrin Freise

This year in january I have been onboard of the Noorderlicht for my second time. The new owners are amazing. One day we had lots of orcas and humpbacks around the ship - wow. Unfortunately we were not so lucky with the weather and had really stormy conditions. That was a special experience! Being back in Harstadt one day earlier because of the storm Oceanwide organized a trip to the Polar Park in Bardu. Thank you for that! I'm looking forward to visit Spitsbergen next year with the Noorderlicht!

by stefania saporetti

One of the best trips of my life. Pure beauty and strength of mother nature. The weather was very kind to us and we fully realize how blessed we have been. Perfect organization, excellent team (guides, ship crew, hotel staff), very comfortable ship and of the perfect size. We have seen lots of wildlife - penguins (Gentoo, Adelie, Chinstrap and 1 Macaroni), seals (crabbier, wedded, leopard), orcas and whales (in particular very close encounter with feeding humpbacks), birds (albatrosses, sterns, skuas, kelp gulls, cormorants, petrels, ...) - but landscape here is as important as wildlife. Thank you Oceanwide for making this possible.
