Bird Life International

Oceanwide donates to environmental conservation programs and bird protection projects (i.e. Save the Albatross campaign) researching by the catching of seabirds in fisheries.

BirdLife International is a global Partnership of conservation organizations that strive to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. Birds are beautiful, inspirational and international. Birds are excellent flagships and vital environmental indicators.

By focusing on birds, and the sites and habitats on which they depend, the BirdLife Partnership is working to improve the quality of life for birds, for other wildlife (biodiversity), and for people.

BirdLife's aims are to: prevent the extinction of any bird species ; maintain and where possible improve the conservation status of all bird species ; conserve and where appropriate improve and enlarge sites and habitats important for birds ;  help, through birds, to conserve biodiversity and to improve the quality of people's lives; integrate bird conservation into sustaining people's livelihoods.
