Antarctica, An ice world, A nice world
par Leon Rodenburg
Départ en December 2021
par Leon Rodenburg
Départ en December 2021
Being on the first expedition since covid-19 got hold of the world, one feels privileged, very privileged. One could sense the happiness of the crew and staff to be at sea again with guests. We had mostly (very) good weather and, therefore, many landings. It gave us the opportunity to watch penguins and seal from very nearby. Plenty of pictures were taken, as well as video ( Almost every day, one or more high level lectures were given on a variety of subjects. Amongst others, about whales, astronomy, space flight (we had an astronaut on board), birds, adaptation of animals to cold (Why penguins don’t wear socks) and many more. A special of the trip was the total solar eclipse on 4 December. We had to get up at 3 a.m., drinks and snacks were standing ready for us in the bar. We experienced the eclipse in almost ecstasy. There was only one tiny detail: cloud coverage was 100 %, but it did get dark. Food, let's not forget food. We were astonished that for breakfast, lunch and dinner, there was always fresh, crispy salads and a wide variety of types of food. The chef and his crew did a terrific job.
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