Aux confins de l'antartique | At the edge of the Antarctic
Vertrek in January 2020
Vertrek in January 2020
Wonderful trip with a kind, competent and passionate crew. the landscapes are unique while being varied. We were able to observe the fauna in good conditions, including ten landings and zodiac trips. - First of all, a big thank you to our French-speaking guides: Regis Perdriat, Chloé Maréchal, Hélène de Méringo, all three EXTRAORDINARIES of kindness and skills, who transmitted the polar cruising virus to us! - Thank you to Suzanna Varga our butler and all her team whose dedication has been matched only by her skill. - Thanks to David Begg our expedition leader, passionately in love with Antarctica, and to Daniel his assistant. His morning "good morning Plancius!" misses us every day ... - Finally, thank you to Captain Levakov and his team, who kindly welcomed us at the bridge and who answered our questions, throughout the trip. Thank you to all this team who were really ... on top!
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