One of the most amazing things I've ever done!
bij Shannon Farley
Vertrek in January 2020
bij Shannon Farley
Vertrek in January 2020
Regio: Antarctica
Bestemmingen: Zuidelijke Orkneyeilanden, Antarctisch Schiereiland, Falklandeilanden, Zuid-Georgia
Schip: m/v Plancius
This trip to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and Antarctica was amazing! I honestly had no idea how fabulous it would be. I am so glad my mom suggested it! Our expedition leader, Ali, and her expedition staff, and our captain and Zsusannah and her kitchen and housekeeping staff were all fantastic. Everyone was friendly, helpful, and knowledgable. Everyone worked really hard to ensure we all had a great time. The whole mood and tone of the ship was so positive. I would go again in a minute if work would let me take that much time off again so soon. I did not realize we would see so much wildlife or that it would be so pristine. I would recommend this trip to anyone looking for an adventure. And it doesn't matter your age. We had an 80 year age range among the guests, from age 5 to 85! And everyone enjoyed it. This is a trip and an experience I will never forget!
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