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Highly recommend! I liked this company’s emphasis on “expedition.” We went out on the Zodiac inflatable boats often (usually twice a day every day, whenever possible, which was frequently). We saw many amazing creatures in their natural environment, including lots of whales and seven different types of penguins, while maintaining a safe and respectful distance. Every landing was very different from the others and amazingly beautiful. The ship was very comfortable, and the crew was fantastic. The other passengers were an international group of people who were very open and interesting to talk to. There were lots of informative optional lectures every day on all aspects of the different kinds of wildlife we saw (whales, penguins, many types of birds, seals), environment, weather, geology, ocean currents, history of Antarctic exploration, as well as on the critical issues of ocean ecology and sustainability. Seeing penguins swimming in the water beside our ship and jumping up onto icebergs was awesome! So were all the sites we visited on South Georgia Island, including Grytvikan and Shackleton’s final resting spot. The Captain, expedition leader, and crew succeeded in doing everything they could to make this a truly memorable trip. p.s. Our room was very comfortable, and the meals were delicious, too :)

This Antarctic expedition exceeded all expectations. The crew and all the staff were exceptional from Captain Per and Sara Jenner the expedition leader to the wait staff, engineers and everyone else. It's like one big happy family and everyone is there to make your trip the best it can be. I cannot praise or thank them enough for making Christmas 2024 the best ever! We saw more wildlife than I'd hoped for and much of it so close. The scenery was spectacular and every zodiac trip and beach landing simply amazing. We learned so much in the lectures and I haven't laughed so much in a long time as I did on auction night and at the Captain's dinner. And if that's not enough, Volodymyr and his team provided us with delicious and varied food for the whole trip. If you're thinking about going on an Antarctic trip, stop prevaricating and just book this one. It's fabulous!
I believe the Oceanwide team did everything possible to give us the best possible expedition. When plan A could happen pan b c or d were on a par or better. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this trip to anyone.
The Plancius is a ship for those serious about sailing arctic waters. It lacks all the amenities of most cruise ships (with the exception of some pretty good eating). What it does have is an expedition crew serious about maximizing your interactions with wildlife and landscapes while minimizing your impact on them. They also have a breadth of knowledge which they are eager to share. There were 2 lengthy landings or zodiac tours each day when we were at a destination and 3-4 lectures each day while at sea. The ship's crew was quite accommodating about meeting our adventure needs, whether passing by the world's largest iceberg or spending unscheduled tine creeping up on the sole emperor penguin of the trip.

Staff was very friendly and helpfull, food was delicious. There is nothing to improve. Really amazing!!!
We enjoyed every single moment during our voyage with Hondius! The staff was very friendly, helpful and welcoming, the food onboard was delicious, and the activities were great! Nothing negative can be said about this experience.
It was a long time pending wish to visit Antarctica. It happened this November. The 13 day trip in MV Hondius from Ushuaia to Antarctic peninsula was a dream come true. From departure to return, every step of the way was brilliantly done by the expedition leader (George), expedition team, captain, and ship’s crew. In spite of extremely challenging weather, we were able to get out and experience the incredible landscapes, wildlife, and activities due to the experience and dedication of the Oceanwide team. Kayaking through a sea of icebergs, Mountaineering, Camping at Kerry Point on Ronge Island where the perfect silent was broken a few times by the thundering sound of breaking ice in the glacier beside us, Zodiac Cruising in search of wildlife and landings on Antartica to visit Penguin colonies… all incredible experiences. The lectures on board and the expertise of the zodiac guides on Antarctic wildlife, history, and other topics made this trip extra special. The passengers came from a wide variety of backgrounds, countries, and ages and made for excellent company on board and off. Even seasickness on the Drake was no match for such an incredible time.This was the best thing I have ever done. Everything, from the activities to the wildlife to the friends I met on board, exceeded my expectations. This could not have been possible without the wonderful guides and everyone else on the ship working hard to make this Basecamp Expedition so memorable. Thank you!!
In November 30th, I took my two children on the Oceanwide cruise to explore the pure land of Antarctica. From the moment I boarded the ship, I felt the enthusiasm of all the crew members, especially for a family combination like us - a father with two children, one 7 years old and the other 11 years old. For children, Antarctica is more difficult to reach and faces more difficulties.
Fortunately, on the ship, the crews were well taken care of and were not ignored because of their young age. Expedition leader Sara and all the expedition members put their safety first when landing on the island and cruising to ensure their safe tour in Antarctica. In the wheelhouse, the crew told them some knowledge about the ship. Although the children's Englishwas not very good, the children felt cared for.
There are also two Chinese translators, Yukan and Shan, who are the most important roles of the staff. Their translated notices, safety instructions of the expedition members, daily summaries and itinerary plans for the next day enable many Chinese people, including children, who do not know English, to fully understand the information on the cruise ship. During the process of landing on the island, I lingered around taking photos. Two Chinese translators took the initiative to take care of my children, reminding them not to go to dangerous places such as the beach. They showed them penguins and taught them about seals, whales, and penguins. They became good friends with the children, allowing them to experience the warmth of the Antarctic family while enjoying the beautiful scenery. The children are reluctant to part with them.
During the island landing, I was busy taking photos. Two Chinese translators helped me take care of the children, reminding them not to go to dangerous places such as the beach, and told them about seals and penguins. They became good friends with the children, allowing them to feel the warmth of the Antarctic family while enjoying the beautiful scenery.
In short, it was a very pleasant trip. I will recommend OEACNWIDE to my friends, and I will definitely board this ship again to explore the unknown wonders of the Arctic.
We had the most amazing experience! Never a dull moment. We consistently had the opportunity for zodiac cruises and making landfall. George & the entire staff were phenomenal!

Just go. If you've got this far, you're already interested in an Expidition-type cruise to Antarctica, and you should totally just go. With Oceanwide Expeditions on the Hondius.
The itinerary is superb, staff and crew give their all to ensure an awesome time, and the overall experience is beyond any expectations that I had.
The magic of Antarctica is something else, but doing it with a team dedicated to giving you the best experience possible and just being a great bunch of people makes it even more special.
Looking to do another cruise with them in the future. Maybe the Arctic!!
This was the best thing I have ever done. Everything, from the activities to the wildlife to the friends I met on board, exceeded my expectations. This could not have been possible without the wonderful guides and everyone else on the ship working hard to make this Basecamp Expedition so memorable. Thank you!!
From departure to return, every step of the way was brilliantly done by the expedition leader (George), expedition team, captain, and ship’s crew. In spite of extremely challenging weather, we were able to get out and experience the incredible landscapes, wildlife, and activities due to the experience and dedication of the Oceanwide team. Kayaking through a sea of icebergs, watching whales feeding while camping on the ice, listening to the glaciers calving while mountaineering… all incredible experiences. The lectures on board and the expertise of the zodiac guides on Antarctic wildlife, history, and other topics made this trip extra special. The passengers came from a wide variety of backgrounds, countries, and ages and made for excellent company on board and off. Even seasickness on the Drake was no match for such an incredible time.
Sitting in Ushuaia airport headed back to the states and feeling melancholy already. George and his staff were gracious , welcoming and so informative. We were so impressed with their knowledge and skills they all have . The reception desk was always so helpful regardless of the same question being asked numerous times. They were very kind even with the silly questions . The dining team always greeted all guests with a smile and so genuine . The entire staff works so hard and understand the importance of customer service and creating memories for so many . So many names to recognize because everyone was amazing . That said my husband and I enjoyed our chat with George at lunch one day and sharing his passions with us . So personable and appreciated him taking the time . Charlotte was delightful and enjoyed the chats with her. She made us feel so welcome and really created some memories and felt like we had made a new friend . Willmore in the dining room along with Joanne and Judele always made us smile . Johnny & Dave really set up a great day for us ice climbing ! Alexis and Nic were great guides during and the time they spent allowing us to embrace all we could during that activity. Thank you again Hondius staff for embracing each guest and the passion and professionalism or what you do for Antarctica. For those of us experiencing the wonders of this trip for the first time and sharing in our excitement.
Wir waren vom 30.November - 10.Dezember 2024 mit der MS Ortelius auf der Tour "Antarktis - Entdeckungs- und Lernreise + Navigationsworkshop" unterwegs, und erlebten das Wohl größte Abenteuer das man erleben kann.
Es erwartete uns eine tolle Crew an Bord, das Schiff begeisterte uns immer wieder als Homebase unserer Expeditions-Schiffsreise, das Essen an Bord war großartig und die Antarktis einfach unbeschreiblich. Wir hatten auch viel Glück mit traumhaften Wetter und konnten zahlreiche Aktivitäten unternehmen.
Ich finde die Tour "Antarktis - Entdeckungs- und Lernreise" ist die perfekte Antarktisreise, weil man besonders viel von der antarktischen Halbinsel sieht und viel Zeit für Unternehmungen und Landgänge hat. Die Fahrt durch die Gerlache Strait und den Lemaire Channel war ein Traum, die zahlreichen Landgänge, Wanderungen und Bergtouren bei Cuverville & Danco Island sowie bei Necko + Paradise Harbour begeisterten. Highlight war auch der Eisberg-Friedhof mit Eisbergen so groß das es uns die Sprache verschlag. Dazu sahen wir unzählige Pinguinkolonien und Wale.
Wir fühlten uns jeden Tag wie die ersten Entdecker in der Antarktis, sahen unberührte Landschaften und waren manchmal so sprachlos und den Tränen nahe. EIne Reise - sorry, falscher Begriff - es ist keine Reise, es ist eine wahre Expedition - ein Abenteuer - das ein Leben lang in Erinnerung bleibt.
Das besondere an den Reisen von Oceanwide Expedition ist auch die überschaubare Größe der Schiffe, wir waren auf der Ortelius rund 100 Leute, somit sind Landgänge unbeschränkt möglich, wir hatten somit viel Zeit an Land und bei den Zodiacfahrten.
Ich kann die Reisen uneingeschränkt empfehlen, ein Erlebnis!
Großes Lob und Dank an das gesamte Oceanwide-Team, ihr seid SPITZE,
es war für uns das größte Abenteuer das man erleben kann.
As a solo traveler with only a little world travel experience, I had some trepidation about what to expect on my Antarctica base camp expedition cruise on the MV Hondius. However, my experience was far beyond my expectations and hopes. Everything was near perfection. The activities, lectures , crew, food, expedition crew team, my newly met roommates in my triple cabin, and all the other new friends and passengers I met were amazing. The activities were challenging and fulfilling. But the awesome beauty of Antarctica was overwhelming. No other trip will be like this. This may be the peak of any traveling I will ever do. At the end of our voyage, most passengers, including myself, were shedding or holding back tears because it was now over and we had to say good bye to our “new home.” As great as Oceanwide is, I doubt any future passengers could have the kind of trip we all had. Truly a once in a lifetime transformative experience.