
Overall rating based on 1,137 votes
Overall rating based on 1,137 votes




Outdoor activities




I have wanted to go to Antarctica for some time, especially after going to Churchill, Canada. It is truly amazing to see such color variation in a mostly monochromatic environment.! The food on board was excellent. All of the staff were friendly and helpful. Penguins were just too cute! Probably the highlight was the Orcas that followed our ship and put on quite a display for us. Lectures were entertaining and surprisingly, it wasn't as cold as I had feared. I brought way too much stuff ! A very nice touch to have a log sent out from the ship and crew.

by Pamela Woodward

Everything about my experience on the Plancius exceeds any expectations. The kitchen staff was amazing providing interesting and expertly prepared/served meals. The educational aspect was both fascinating and entertaining and our itinerary was expertly managed by the trip leader and his staff. It was a first-class operation at every level, I always felt safe and was constantly catered to by everyone from the room cleaning staff to the captains on the bridge. In most cases, I was addressed by my first name and all expressed interest in my well being. A truly fantastic experience I will never forget. My only complaint shared by many was that in preparation for our Zodiac excursions the large French group was given preferred loading despite our being in line ahead of them. At times this left the non-French off the land excursions until openings could be provided due to the restrictions on land-based excursions. This was rectified on the final two days after complaints were made. The photo is taken as I climbed into my sleeping bag for the night on the ice.

This trip was a real adventure. The ship was sturdy and comfortable, and got us through the Drake passage with no problems. The Staff was amazing. They were kind and considerate. They served us gourmet meals with a smile. We had educational lectures about Antarctica and the sea life in the evenings, by well educated speakers. The Zodiac boats took us to Islands where we saw Penguins and Sea Lions. We cruised around Glaciers and Icebergs. It was so beautiful. I highly recommend Oceanwide Expeditions and this amazing adventure to Antarctica.

Antarctica is not a destination for the faint of heart, and it should not be. Once you get past the "Drake Shake" with your seasickness remedy working, you settle down for the real joy: the excursions to see the wildlife and the glaciers. After a few excursions you understand the beauty of this place, and if you get a quiet rock to sit on, in the sunshine, to reflect on how few people get to be here, then you get the gravity of a trip here. If you get a good picture of a penguin, seal, or whale, then your trip is made! I may not have great pictures, but I have my good memories of what I saw and heard, and those are the best that I can ask for. I may never return to this place, but I was so fortunate to have gotten here once!

Seven night cruise arranged through Naturetrek. Despite some varied weather (only to be expected in January) the crew and leaders ensured that we enjoyed an excellent experience. We had great views of the whales and Northern lights. Our shore excursions were interesting and at times eventful - snow shoes provided an interesting challenge for some of us and a lot of laughter. Our safety was clearly a priority for the crew and the itinerary was shaped to get the best out of the available light and the weather conditions. We were delighted to get the sails up for a while, the Rembrandt is a really special boat to sail on. The Rembrandt was comfortable and the staff on board looked after us well with plenty of good food. The lectures were interesting and the Oceanwide leaders and our Naturetrek leader worked well together.

by André Mathieu

I have a Gluten free diet and I am allergic to black pepper. I had several gluten free options for each meal and they took the black pepper out of the kitchen for the duration of the trip. My really special thanks to Hotel Manager: Zsuzsanna Varga [Hungary] Asst. Hotel Manager: Ana Sirbu Gomez [Romania] Chef: Heinz Hacker [Austria] Sous Chef: Ferenc Baranyay You were just too much!

by Susanne Dinten

Wir haben schon sehr viel von unserer wunderschönen Erde gesehen. Was wir auf dieser traumhaften Reise kennen lernen durfte, war unglaublich. Die super gute Reiseleitung unter Ali war herrlich. Dazu die Katia, die mit ihrer Simultanübersetzung Höchstleistung bot, hat uns diese Reise zum absoluten Highlight gemacht. Absolutes super Schiff, geniale Crew, super Guides, Wetterglück, unglaubliche Tierwelt und Landschaft. Wir sind voll mit dem "Antarktisvirus" befallen! Uns fehlen die Worte, um unsere Empfindungen aus zu drücken. Einfach phänomenal!! Danke an das ganze Team!

by Beckianne Kilkenny

Our trip was so successful it felt as if we might be under some sort of spell of providential protection and luck. Every landing occurred in calm waters with favorable weather and abundant wildlife. We were able to view all eight species of Antarctic penguins, and for several, also observe their breeding and nesting behaviors and chicks. We saw five species of pinniped, many varieties of seabird, and whales too numerous to count. Besides the amazing wildlife we also visited places with such historical significance as to be practically mythological. And then there was the ice! From A68A, the iceberg the size of Switzerland, to deep blue ice sculptures or floes with Emperor Penguins, the ice was always magical. Our expedition team was unparalleled in their skill, knowledge, and constant good humor. Not only was this the trip of a lifetime, but it was the best trip it could possibly have been. Thanks to our captain who so masterfully navigated the ice, and the staff who were unwavering in their commitment to make this a memorable trip for every guest on the ship despite the diversity of language, background, and interests. I will carry the memories of this enchanted trip forever.

by Tracie Benson

I have traveled all over the world and have taken many cruises and many guided trips. This crew was the most organized and most enthusiastic crew I have ever met. The crew was phenomenal in every way. The crew wanted you to see everything you could possibly see and to do the most you could possibly do. I would recommend this company to my family and friends.

by Linda Krugman

This 18-day expedition was an amazing, life-changing experience. Everything about it was more than I could have ever expected. The entire crew and expedition team were fantastic, the educational talks were very informative, the landings were breathtaking, and the weather was better than one could have dreamed possible.

Could not have imagined a better experience visiting Antarctica. We were very fortunate to be blessed with good weather but even more fortunate to have such a great Oceanwide crew that was professional and passionate. The boat/hotel staff clearly communicated every step of the way and went above and beyond to make sure each guest maximized their experience to the fullest extent. The expedition staff's expertise on all things relating to Antarctica (penguins, icebergs, whales, birds, etc.) was evident and their respect and admiration for the environment was contagious. I would highly recommend Oceanwide Expeditions to anyone considering a trip to Antarctica--or to anyone not considering Antarctica for that matter.

Diese Reise war für mich in jeglicher Hinsicht excellent. Das ist natürlich zum einen das Erlebnis Antarktis als solches mit seiner ganzen Flora und Fauna, aber zum anderen auch alles "drum herum", das einfach gestimmt hat: hervorragendes Schiff, klasse Crew, tolles, aufregendes und abwechslungsreiches Programm (Landgänge, Zodiacs, Kayaking, Leben, Vorträge, Unterhaltung und Verpflegung an Bord, etc.). Die unmittelbare Einbindung der Hondius in die Suchaktion der abgestürzten C 130 Hercules hat einem direkt vor Augen geführt, wie nahe sich Glück und Unglück sein können.

by Kate Rowe

The ship, the food, THE CREW, the expertise, the activities, the polar plunge, THE ENVIRONMENT, all together made me right sized and humble. Left with a great respect and awareness of our wondrous planet and the need to protect it.

by Yvette Hes

This trip of a lifetime is not cheap but then again its worth every penny! The expedition team is superb and try to make your trip the best depending on the circumstances. All the staff on the boat are highly professional and I especially want to compliment Szuszanna, Anna, Charlotte and Raquel.The food was truly divine, surpassed all my expectations (as vegetarian it really was good, lots of variety). I did have issues with the heat in the room though, it really was suffocating at times (heater was off). The bed is nice and shower is perfect. I was surprised by how old the audience on our trip was and in some cases their lack of fitness. As this trip certainly is not without risks and I feel there was not done enough to keep the other guests sticking to these safety rules (eg no slippers and wildlife rules). Fortunately we had no incidents but I believe this is mainly due to the great weather conditions and luck. I recommend a more strict policy towards guests on safety as they may endanger the trip for others. Internet in the form of wifi is not working correctly, 100Mb gone in 1 day where the phone indicated not even 1/4 used. Also entertainment system was offline whole trip.

Everything about this trip was top-notch, from the accommodations to the staff (expedition, hotel, crew), I have nothing but praise for the entire experience.
