
Overall rating based on 1,137 votes
Overall rating based on 1,137 votes




Outdoor activities




It was my first visit to the Southern Ocean and I'm grateful I choose Oceanwide Expeditons to do so. Amazing Team and fabulous itinerary.
by Douglas Koch
by Erik van Zwol
Dit was de tweede poging om de reis die al 30 jaar op mijn bucketlist staat te ondernemen. Een aantal jaren geleden heb ik me al een keer ingeschreven op een Expeditie Rondreis naar Antarctica. De eerste was al volgeboekt en de tweede werd gecanceld door gebrek aan belangstelling. Dus toen de nieuwsbrief van de ANWB binnen kwam heb ik geen seconde geaarzeld en geboekt. Door verschillende factoren heeft deze reis een Godvermogen gekost maar het was iedere cent dubbel en dwars waard. "Explore and Learning" is niets teveel gezegd , Alle lezingen die werden gegeven waren razend interessant. Ook het feit dat vanaf de brug meldingen werden gedaan om Wildlife te spotten vond ik geweldig. Eenmaal bij het Antarctisch Schiereiland aangekomen maakten de Zodiac cruisses en de landingen het nog mooier. Ook op de terugweg , toen we werden geconfronteerd met de "Drake Shake" en een zware storm boven Buenos Aires die onze terugreis in de war schopte , was het het allemaal waard. Het grootste probleem is alleen dat , als je er eenmaal bent geweest , je weer terug wil. Toen jaren geleden mijn eerste poging werd geannuleerd heb ik me gelijk op de nieuwsbrief van Oceanwide Expeditions ingeschreven en sinds die tijd heb ik heel wat keren kwijlend achter mijn laptop gezeten. Niemand kan in de toekomst kijken maar ik heb mezelf beloofd dat het niet mijn laatste expeditie rondreis is geweest. HET WAS ONVERGETELIJK , FANTASTISCH EN VOOR HERHALING VATBAAR !!!!!
by Darlene Zabowski
This was the best cruise we have ever done. The guides, the sites, the ship, the food, the weather.... it was all more than we had ever hoped for! The crew and guides kept us safe and gave us a fabulous trip. Thanks for all the wonderful experiences! We hope to do another trip with Oceanwide Expeditions again!

Plancius - [ ] No tv except for web camera on the ships deck - [ ] WIFI needs improvement; it doesn't work in cabins - [ ] I paid $260 € for Internet access. It is a little frustrating that I paid $1500 more than passengers who bought a ticket days before we left the dock and they got the same type of room as me. That $1500 should have been used to buy internet time or refunded. - [ ] The lounge benches need to be reupholstered. They are covered in pleather. Whereas real leather would last longer and look good. - [ ] The activities were great. It was a once in a lifetime experience. The zodiac drivers knew just where to look for wildlife. - [ ] The food was excellent. Jerrica had a smile on her face constantly. She knew everyone by name. That is a talent! - [ ] The cabin steward was awesome. - [ ] I learned something new from every lecture. The staff who gave the talks were confident and competent. - [ ] I did not like passengers and staff smoking while we were loading the zodiacs; that should be a no smoking area. - [ ] I was happy you sold waterproof pants. - [ ] The barbecue was a pleasant surprise. - [ ] Overall the staff, accommodations, attention to detail, was beyond

Thank you to Oceanwide and especially to the ENTIRE crew of the Plancius for the perfect care during the Antarctic cruise we took part in. From the first welcome on the ship to the kind care of the staff, daily exclusive food, interesting and funny lectures and the entire program on the Zodiac cruise and during walks on the coast organized by the best guides, it was an unforgettable and lifetime experience for us! We also of course thank the ship's crew for the professional management of the ship and the safe return. Long will this cruise remain in our minds and hearts!! Luděk and Petra Jakob
Thank you to Oceanwide and especially to the ENTIRE crew of the Plancius for the perfect care during the Antarctic cruise we took part in. From the first welcome on the ship to the kind care of the staff, daily exclusive food, interesting and funny lectures and the entire program on the Zodiac cruise and during walks on the coast organized by the best guides, it was an unforgettable and lifetime experience for us! We also of course thank the ship's crew for the professional management of the ship and the safe return. Long will this cruise remain in our minds and hearts!! Luděk and Petra Jakob
by Samantha Arumadura
It has been a wonderful experience on Plancius for Around Svalbard Expedition & also on Ortelius for Antarctica Deep South Polar Circle Expedition with Oceanwide. The expeditions are arranged very professionally by friendly & knowledgeable expedition staff. Hotel staff also very friendly. Great lectures & new knowledge provided by the expedition staff. Happy to see environmental conscious people handling these expeditions.
by robyn quaintance
With the kayaking.... it is extremely important to have one leader at the front and one 'sweeping' at the back. This didn't happen at all. But both leaders were excellent, friendly, helpful and wonderful.
by Stella Ellis
From the first briefing when we were told that plan B was already in operation due to severe weather around the Falklands and S Georgia, taking a passenger to King George Island to be medevacked off the ship, then doing the whole trip in reverse, it was brilliant. The expedition crew certainly new their stuff, their English was excellent ( with one exception) and they certainly got us to every landing and zodiac cruise possible. Even backtracking around South Georgia and a full circumnavigation just to get us to all possible landings was fantastic. Another example - out last day in the Falklands and we were visiting New Island. The plan was North Beach in the morning and South Beach in the afternoon. As we approached North Beach the wind was far too strong for a landing so we didn't stop, and headed straight to South Beach. A great landing had by all and then as we had lunch we went back to North Beach - the wind was reasonable so we could land and had a great last afternoon before sailing back to The cabin stewards were thorough in their work and very friendly. All the crew on the boat were first class, especially getting us on and off the zodiacs. Food fab!
Going to Antarctica was a big big BIG dream of mine - and what can I say, it was magnificent. Antarctica feels so incredible and otherwordly, it's like Drake Passage is a vortex taking you through time and space to another planet or dimension. I chose the "Antarctica - Elephant Island - Weddell Sea - Polar Circle" voyage simply because it was one of the longest ones still in my budget and I have no regrets - I loved seeing different kinds of landscape. All the guides told us that we were incredibly lucky with the weather and the wildlife - but I also know we were lucky because of the passion and expertise of the Oceanwide team. Everyone involved - from the expedition leader and guides to the captain and his officers to the hotel staff - worked tirelessly to give us our best possible experience in Antarctica. I always thought this would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip. It definitely was, but also: I kind of want to go back now... - in the meantime I'll check out Oceanwide's offers in the Arctic.
by Sieglinde Spranger
We filled out the questionnaire.
by Herbert Ballat
Die Reise hat sich auf jeden Fall gelohnt
Pipa Low excellent
I just can not say enough good things about this trip, how I am satisfied and how I love it. The places we have been, the activities, the diligent, hard-working crew and Expedition team guides. It's a once in a lifetime trip, the feeling and memory will last forever and become my history. Thanks Oceanwide for organizing a special "Beyond the Polar Circle" itinerary like this. It's an unique experience, wonderful and spectacular! Thanks every crew member and every Expedition Team member who has tried their best effort to make all the good things happen and has accompany us the whole trip, thank for the good memory they have left us.