An extremely unprofessional excursion team
por sophie hobbs
Salida en January 2023
por sophie hobbs
Salida en January 2023
The captain and his crew navigated safely. There was ample food. Wine was reasonably priced. The waiters were wonderful, the zodiac drivers great. The scenery was awesome so why the poor rating??? The excursion team led by "Miss I, me, myself" lets Oceanwide and the guests down. We felt we were surrounded by college kids in a summer camp. One adult in the room - Adam - but he was not the leader. Instead, we had a spoiled, arrogant and impolite kid who thinks the world whirls around her and showed little care. For example the 1.5 kms stroll along the beach which ended up being a 4 or 5 kms through the hills with guest over 75 years old who could hardly make it and no excursion team around to guide. They are too busy taking pictures and posting them on social media. The lectures are extremely unprofessional - basic powerpoint presentations and no enthusiasm from most of the presenters and please spare the lessons on "see, watch and whatever". Do not spit in the soup by telling us how bad human impact is in Antartica etc. etc. The only ones that had some kind of credibility were Adam and Bjarni. So much for noted biologists. Should we also mention the doctor saga? So unprofessional!
Text¿Ha estado en alguno de nuestros viajes?
Deje su propia reseñaCumplir al menos seis especies de pingüinos
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El Hondius
Fecha del crucero:
20 feb. - 14 mar., 2025
10000 USD
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PLA31-25 Esta amplia expedición le lleva al Círculo Polar Antártico, combinando la rica vida animal del Mar de Weddell con las costas e islas surrealistas de l
El Plancius
Fecha del crucero:
9 mar. - 23 mar., 2025
10500 USD
Cruzando el Círculo Antártico
OTL31-25 Este viaje lo llevará más al sur de la Antártida, cruzando el Círculo Polar. Este crucero pasa a través de aguas frecuentadas por ballenas jorobadas,
El Ortelius
Fecha del crucero:
10 mar. - 21 mar., 2025
7700 USD
Visite los lugares descubiertos De Gerlache en su expedición polar a bordo del Belgica
OTL32-25 El viaje es una verdadera expedición, que explora la región muy poco visitada del Mar de Bellingshausen, la Bahía de Marguerite y la Isla Alexander. V
El Ortelius
Fecha del crucero:
21 mar. - 5 abr., 2025
10500 USD
Cruzando el Círculo Antártico
PLA32-25 Este viaje lo llevará más al sur de la Antártida, cruzando el Círculo Polar. Este crucero pasa a través de aguas frecuentadas por ballenas jorobadas,
El Plancius
Fecha del crucero:
23 mar. - 3 abr., 2025
7700 USD
Comentarios de Oceanwide Expeditions
Thank you for your thorough review. We are always happy to get such specific feedback, even if not all of it is positive.
We are sorry you were not happy with the expedition leader on board, though we are a little surprised to hear this. When we checked our guest questionnaires from the voyage, we found that 90% of guests marked the EL excellent and 10% marked her performance as good.
We are likewise surprised to hear your feedback about the guide lectures, as they are nearly always highly positive. We will, however, follow up with our onboard staff to ensure lectures remain at the standard our company has set.
As for the doctor, we understand your complaints. We are using the experience to adjust our selection process so as to avoid such issues in the future.
We hope this sufficiently addresses your feedback. Please contact us if you want to discuss your voyage further.