In November 30th, I took my two children on the Oceanwide cruise to explore the pure land of Antarctica. From the moment I boarded the ship, I felt the enthusiasm of all the crew members, especially for a family combination like us - a father with two children, one 7 years old and the other 11 years old. For children, Antarctica is more difficult to reach and faces more difficulties. Fortunately, on the ship, the crews were well taken care of and were not ignored because of their young age. Expedition leader Sara and all the expedition members put their safety first when landing on the island and cruising to ensure their safe tour in Antarctica. In the wheelhouse, the crew told them some knowledge about the ship. Although the children's Englishwas not very good, the children felt cared for. There are also two Chinese translators, Yukan and Shan, who are the most important roles of the staff. Their translated notices, safety instructions of the expedition members, daily summaries and itinerary plans for the next day enable many Chinese people, including children, who do not know English, to fully understand the information on the cruise ship. During the process of landing on the island, I lingered around taking photos. Two Chinese translators took the initiative to take care of my children, reminding them not to go to dangerous places such as the beach. They showed them penguins and taught them about seals, whales, and penguins. They became good friends with the children, allowing them to experience the warmth of the Antarctic family while enjoying the beautiful scenery. The children are reluctant to part with them. During the island landing, I was busy taking photos. Two Chinese translators helped me take care of the children, reminding them not to go to dangerous places such as the beach, and told them about seals and penguins. They became good friends with the children, allowing them to feel the warmth of the Antarctic family while enjoying the beautiful scenery. In short, it was a very pleasant trip. I will recommend OEACNWIDE to my friends, and I will definitely board this ship again to explore the unknown wonders of the Arctic.

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