As a kid, I read up on everything I could about the South Pole, then as I got older, I started to read about all the expeditions to Antarctica. Time went by and my interest in the White Continent grew, so much so that I started to look into tours that went there. But my goal was not to just "cruise to Antarctica", but to actually set foot on the continent. Little did I realize that my dreams of doing would be accomplished a few years later. After being postponed for 3 years, 2023 was the year of making the dream come true, and what a dream it turned out to be. Far from anything that I could have imagined or prepared myself for, this expedition on the m/v Plancius became a life changing event. From the amazing staff and crew, to all the many people I met from around the world, we not only traveled to Antarctica, but crossed the circle, then went even further south (68 degrees South!), so my ultimate goal was met. But with all the adventures of the landings we made, seeing all the wildlife (penguins, whales, seals) and landscapes that defy the imagination. The only thing I can say is that this was a trip of a lifetime, and one I will never forget.

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