Oceanwide Expeditions received AECO's Puffin Award 2014

by Oceanwide Expeditions Noticias 15.10.2014

The Puffin Award is given to a member who throughout the year has helped AECO and contributed to the AECO membership.

AECO’s Puffin Award was established in 2013 to encourage members of AECO to contribute to the association and membership, whenever they can. The contribution can be sharing information, helping other members, helping the secretariat, representing on behalf of AECO, promoting AECO, sponsoring and many other. Each contribution is awarded with one imaginary puffin. Oceanwide Expeditions has since 2013 collected 13 puffins, and is a very worthy winner of AECO’s Puffin Award. Mark van der Hulst and Troels Jacobsen representing Oceanwide Expeditions, received AECO's Puffin Award 2014. The bronze puffin has been designed by Suzie March and is a gift to AECO given by Silversea Expeditions.

Oceanwide Expeditions is a member of AECO (Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators) and complies with environmental guidelines and regulations set by the organisation. Oceanwide Expeditions is dedicated to manage respectable, environmentally friendly and safe expeditions to the Arctic - Read more

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