Amazing trip!
por Christina Plessas
Salida en December 2022
Región: Antártida
Destinos: Islas Orcadas del Sur, Península Antártica, Islas Malvinas, Islas Georgias del Sur
Barco: El Ortelius
Destacados: Pingüino de Adelia, Pingüino barbijo, Elefante marino del sur, Pingüino juanito, Yubarta, Pingüino rey, Foca leopardo, Pingüino macarrones, Pingüino magallánico, Pingüino saltarrocas, Foca de Weddell, Albatros ojeroso
My daughter and I had the trip of a lifetime! It was amazing! The ship was comfortable and performed well. The crew were outstanding in their execution of their duties and engagement with the passengers. The expedition crew was frosting on the cake. So knowledgeable about the animals and the region. They were excellent presenters of their lectures and very personable, accessible, warm and friendly with the passengers. We were very fortunate to have weather on our side. We were able to make every landing except the last one. The wildlife was abundant. We saw in all, probably a million penguins, of six varieties, four species of seals, humpback whales and many birds. Everyday we were in awe of the landscapes, animals, and history. The trip brought to our attention the importance of healthy oceans and ocean animals. I will never forget this adventure. It has encouraged me to go to the Arctic.
Text¿Ha estado en alguno de nuestros viajes?
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8010 USD
HDS30D25 The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other b
El Hondius
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10125 USD
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4600 USD
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El Hondius
Fecha del crucero:
23 mar. - 15 abr., 2025
5100 USD