Amazing expedition with the Plancius
bij Hans Seuters
Vertrek in August 2022
Regio: Arctis
Bestemmingen: Spitsbergen
Schip: m/v Plancius
Highlights: Ijsbeer, Papegaaiduiker, Kortbekzeekoet, Spitsbergen Rendieren, Koningseider, Kleine Jager
I don't know where to start. This expedition has shown so much of the beauty of the Arctic. And unfortunately also how fragile it is. There is so much life like of course the polar bear but also seals, walruses, whales, many bird species etc. The flora and fauna is fantastic. And again so fragile. Led by a fantastic team of guides we learned so much about the arctic. Everyone had his or her own area of expertise. And they shared it with great pleasure and enthusiasm. On the Plancius we were looked after fantastically by the team on board. We felt very welcome. In short, this expedition is highly recommended. (As long as it's still possible)
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