Outstanding trip

bij Ian Walton

Vertrek in January 2025

Fascinated with Antarctic exploration from childhood especially Shackleton and with a long term friend who came from the Falklands we chose this trip because it was advertised as an expedition ship with just over 100 passengers meaning we could all go on every excursion. It seems we were very lucky with the weather and so our excursions and sightings were much better than average. Got to know the birders who spent most of their time on deck glued to binoculars and were remarkably generous with sharing their knowledge of the birds that flew around the ship and those we saw on land. The whale sightings were frequent, most notable were the two prolonged sightings of killer whales, the first when a pod of 20-30 literally played around the boat for an hour and the second a “David Attenborough” type experience when a similar size pod surrounded a fin whale with the intention of hunting it for its 2000kg tongue. The landings just seemed to get better as we progressed. The Falklands was a great start, Georgia had great scenery and huge penguin colonies, anchoring off the site where most of Shackleton’s men were left behind on Elephant Island was a good stop even if it was too rough to get ashore but entering the Weddell Sea and the pack ice was for me the highlight. Other reviews of this trip lament that we were unable to make a landing on the subarctic continent although this was the aim but was prevented by the ice conditions and restrictions on a couple of landing sites due to avian flu, so we had to land on the islands instead. Adding another day on the trip so longer could be spent in this region would perhaps be optimal. It was a pleasure being on a boat with such a happy and helpful crew. Ali’s leadership skills should be complimented but all the guides were knowledgeable and helpful, the hotel crew were fabulous hosts, the food was amazing, what a chef, and our cabin staff were particularly lovely. I should add that the bar and wine prices were more than reasonable and the laundry was much cheaper than most hotels. We are unlikely ever to afford a repeat trip as it is expensive to get to the Antarctic but are so pleased that this was the company, boat and itinerary we chose.Text

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