Oceanwide Expeditions presents new corporate identity

by Oceanwide Expeditions Nachrichten 01.03.2017

Regionen: Antarktis, Arktis

Oceanwide Expeditions presents new corporate identity

Since 1993, Oceanwide Expeditions has been taking passengers deep into the Arctic and Antarctica on voyages that focus on wildlife, nature and activities.

Our goal has always been to share the beauty of the polar regions with our passengers. We respect their personal interests and realize they each create their own individual polar travel stories. What our travelers have in common is a desire to go beyond the tip of the iceberg – and this is where we promise to take them. This philosophy will be embedded in our new corporate identity.

Our new, fresh design honors passengers’ quest to find their own true inspiration and beauty through unique and authentic travel experiences. We will guide them there, to get them closer to the heart of their journeys. In the end, the journey is theirs.

Our contemporary new logo reveals a white tip of an iceberg, signifying our spectacular destinations. The darker part of the iceberg represents the greater part that lies underneath, signifying the depth of our journey with our passengers. Together, we aim to get closer to the heart.

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