Nice voyage

von Janez Kerc

Departure in June 2023

Region: Arktis

Reiseziele: Spitzbergen, Jan Mayen

Schiff: MS Hondius

The 'arctic expedition' was a nice experience, the expedition team was professional and friendly, communicative. There were some issues with our cabin


Kommentar von Oceanwide Expeditions

Thank you for your open feedback which also reached us per email. We regret to hear that your expectation on the cabin layout was not 100% fulfilled. We took liberty to contact your booking agent with a full statement on the technical issue you have reported. Please contact your booking agent for further details .

With regards to cabin size we need to highlight that all cabins of same category are similar in the interior design, furniture, TV, bathroom etc. There are small variations though in cabin sizes and that is because a vessel is not a square building but a round shaped construction with some cabins being a little smaller in size compared to your cabin and others a little larger. The small variation has no impact on the functionality of the cabin, nor on price of the cabin. All cabins of same categories are priced the same.

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