The Friendly Seas

durch Gwen Rigby

Abreise in January 2023

The staff was always cheerful - on the boat and off. That made all the effort of being on tipsy seas and struggling up snowy isles worthwhile. The food was excellent and conversation always interesting. I loved that half the passengers were French. The point of an Antarctic trip was to see the clarity of the air and landscape and be with the wildlife as much as possible. This expedition made sure we all got out - over and under water - as much as possible. I turned out to be clumsier than the penguins, but all the guides helped me up and down the slopes with complete courtesy, making sure I got to the designated areas. All were able to answer my questions about the wildlife too. There were plenty of activities and enough time to relax. I would only suggest more time between the wake up call and breakfast - it's not quick or easy putting on 5-6 layers of clothes! Ah, I would also suggest that you sell t-shirts with "I survived the Drake Passage." It would be good to have a souvenir of that!


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