Falklands, South Georgia, Antarctica.
por Charles Lowe
Salida en January 2023
por Charles Lowe
Salida en January 2023
Región: Antártida
Destinos: Península Antártica, Mar de Weddell, Islas Malvinas, Islas Georgias del Sur
Barco: El Plancius
Destacados: Pingüino de Adelia, Martinete común, Pingüino barbijo, Elefante marino del sur, Rorcual común, Pingüino juanito, Yubarta, Orca, Pingüino rey, Foca leopardo, Pingüino macarrones, Pingüino magallánico, Pingüino saltarrocas, Rorcual boreal, Albatros errante, Foca de Weddell, Albatros ojeroso, Petrel níveo, Abanto marino, Cormorán antártico, Petrel damero, Pato petrel, Págalo polar, Paíño, Caracara austral, Cormorán real, Picovaina de Malvinas, Ánade maicero (georgica)
Trip exceeded expectations. Very well planned and managed. Flexible and adaptable to changing weather conditions. From dropping the anchor we could all be on a beach in half an hour or less. Staff always helpful with cheerful smiles. A lot of thought had clearly gone into each days activity. The captain said it was in the top three of the trips he had done. Not sure if that was because of the weather or sightings or a mixture of both. The plan certainly had to be adjusted at times to deal with weather conditions but the expedition staff made their own luck with their hard work.
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