once in a lifetime experience
bij Eely-Janna Tuyl-Visser
Vertrek in January 2020
This journey was on our bucketlist for a long time. It was amazing. Great crew, from hotel staff , kitchen staff, till expedition crew. We really enjoyed the birds, the whales and especially the pinquins and the lectures. We where very lucky with the weather, so we were able to make many landings. We were impressed how much effort was made not to leave a footprint on the landing site. We always had to clean our boots and clothing very well (so that no seeds were transferred). We where also lucky to had a up-grade to a very nice cabin. We came home with a lot off pictures and memories.
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Stuur een review in14 mrt. - 15 apr., 2025
•Reiscode: HDS30C25
The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other birds, and a variety of whales as they make their annual expeditions north for the breeding season.
van: 8010 USD
14 mrt. - 25 apr., 2025
•Reiscode: HDS30D25
The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other birds, and a variety of whales as they make their annual expeditions north for the breeding season.
van: 10125 USD
21 mrt. - 5 apr., 2025
•Reiscode: OTL32-25
De reis is een echte expeditie, een verkenning van de zeer zelden bezochte regio van de Bellingshausen Zee, Marguerite Bay en Alexander Eiland. We bezoeken plaatsen die De Gerlache ontdekte tijdens zijn poolexpeditie (juni 1887 - maart 1899) aan boord...
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23 mrt. - 3 apr., 2025
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22 okt. - 11 nov., 2025
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