Perfection on the Plancius
bij Pamela Woodward
Vertrek in January 2020
Regio: Antarctica
Bestemmingen: Antarctisch Schiereiland
Schip: m/v Plancius
Highlights: Wandelen vanaf de kust, Antarctisch kamperen, Adéliepinguïn, Zwaardwalvis
Everything about my experience on the Plancius exceeds any expectations. The kitchen staff was amazing providing interesting and expertly prepared/served meals. The educational aspect was both fascinating and entertaining and our itinerary was expertly managed by the trip leader and his staff. It was a first-class operation at every level, I always felt safe and was constantly catered to by everyone from the room cleaning staff to the captains on the bridge. In most cases, I was addressed by my first name and all expressed interest in my well being. A truly fantastic experience I will never forget. My only complaint shared by many was that in preparation for our Zodiac excursions the large French group was given preferred loading despite our being in line ahead of them. At times this left the non-French off the land excursions until openings could be provided due to the restrictions on land-based excursions. This was rectified on the final two days after complaints were made. The photo is taken as I climbed into my sleeping bag for the night on the ice.
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