We were lucky in having good weather the whole trip. The morning of our arrival the scene was breathtaking and only got better from there on. We keep telling friends that to look at pictures or video is only 20% of Antarctica. Even while under power the solitude and tranquility is unbelievable. We had a great group of passengers who seemed to hit it off well and we met people from Russia to Israel; from Canada to New Zealand, from Germany to China. The staff is incredible. Our dining room and lounge staff knew our names and room numbers after just a few hours., and could not have been more accomadating to any requests. The expedition staff were knowledgable and efficient as well as friendly. At one point we had a conflict going to a site since another ship was already there, so we picked a new spot and quickly set sail. Over the 6 days we had 11 landings and 1 kayak trip with all of them being memorable as were the zodiac tours along the coastline or through the growlers and icebrgs. Camping in the snow without tents was incredible. We have seen much of the world but this trip has to be the 'icing on the cake' for adventure adicts.Text

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