Incredible Experience - with Amazing crew and expedition staff
durch Merrily Madero
Abreise in March 2020
durch Merrily Madero
Abreise in March 2020
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel, Südliche Shetlandinseln
Schiff: MS Plancius
Aktivitäten: Bergsteigen, Kajakfahren, Buckelwal, Seeleopard
This trip was my 7th continent and 100th country and I couldn't have even imagined this experience would surpass ALL of my dreams and expectations. The ship was comfortable, the food was outstanding, the hotel staff was very accommodating. Most of all the Expedition Staff were incredibly skilled, knowledgeable, friendly and made the trip a great experience. We Kayaked and Ice Climbed - even though we had no prior experience. The shore landings were fun and the zodiac rides amazing. The Expedition Leader, Iain Rudkin was amazing, and led the staff and passengers with humor and grace. We were expertly lead through an extreme storm coming home through the Drake Passage and then Iain led us through a week delay in finding a port after the COVID-19 virus shut down all the ports in Argentina. We all were able to fly home through Uruguay. The staff kept us feed and entertained with additional lectures and games. This expedition was truly a life-changing experience and I will be forever grateful to the entire crew of the Plancius and how Oceanwide took care of us on the ship until we all were able to get home.
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