Along the Coast of Greenland

bij Christoph Gerber

Vertrek in August 2024

We sailed from Longyearbyen Svalbard to Akureyri Iceland from August 25 to September 7, 2024. Weather conditions were arctic as expected and an enjoyable recreation from the excessive summer heat at home. We had good visibility on most days so we could do most of the landings and zodiac cruises as planned. When changes were necessary the expedition team and crew always found great alternatives. The whole crew and expedition team did an outstanding job on making this an enjoyable and memorable experience for everyone. Short, medium and long hikes through the beautiful landscape of Greenland were offered daily. We usually chose the medium hikes which took 3 to 4 hours at moderate peace leaving room to take lots of photos. The lectures offered on board of the ship were all really informative and inspiring. Last but not least the kitchen on board was really excellent and the service top notch. I highly recommend Oceanwide expetions for all seeking a bit more activity, fun and adventure compared to standard ship cruises.Text

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