Regio: Arctis

Bestemmingen: Spitsbergen

Schip: m/v Plancius

We recently spent 8 days/7 nights cruising Svalbard with Oceanwide Expeditions. We had an amazing time. The ship was extremely comfortable - rooms were a good size, lounge area well set up, dining room very efficient. We managed to leave the ship several times and participated in some landings as well as zodiac cruises. We felt completely safe at all times leaving and refining the ship as well as inland where the “threat” of polar bears is ever present. The staff did an amazing job at keeping watch , allowing us to explore with the guides on some foreign but stunning landscapes. We saw a quite a bit of wildlife and managed to see every animal we had hoped to - even if the polar bears were safely at a distance. The food produced by the kitchen was great. Drinks were very reasonably priced. We met some wonderful fellow passengers onboard and we all became quite social. Would highly recommend this company, the crew and this ship.

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