To the north
bij William Thomas
Vertrek in June 2022
bij William Thomas
Vertrek in June 2022
Regio: Arctis
Bestemmingen: Spitsbergen
Schip: m/v Plancius
Highlights: Poolvos, Noordse Stern, Groenlandse Walvis, Drieteenmeeuw, Dwergvinvis, Walrus, Alpensneeuwhoen, Vogels kijken op
Absolutely great trip, but you blew it at the end. You dropped off bus loads of people, including old and sick with Covid in the Longyearben shopping mall in a rain storm. No instructions were given. There was no place to get in a building to get out of the rain. None of the stores or buildings opened until 10:00. So we stood in the rain for over a half an hour!! Before we left the ship we watched the men put out a very large tarp on the ground because it was pouring rain. As they unloaded our luggage from a net on to half of the tarp to keep the bags from the muddy ground the other half of the tarp accumulated large amounts of water from the continuing rain. Then they folded the soaked tarp over the pile of luggage and absolutely drenched all our bags. Everything up to these moments was great. Please better plan the next passengers exodus. Thanks.
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Reactie Oceanwide Expeditions
Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We value these comments as without them we are unable to improve - we will review our disembarkation processes and also speak with the crew regarding the care of luggage on this occasion.