We had a wonderful experience with your Plancius crew during our recent Cheeseman Antarctica safari. The service was exceptional and the food was great! In fact, the food was better than I had on my Viking River cruise last October from Lyon, France to Avignon. Viking may have had a fancier presentation, but the chef on the Plancius presented food that tasted better and looked beautiful. The Chef’s food selection was great and I appreciated his innovative use of ingredients. I also want to compliment the dining room staff on their incredible service, attention to detail and thoughtfulness. Jerrica, Judel, Angelina, Charlotte and Prince elevated the entire experience for us and made it a joy to eat. The fact that they learned all our names so quickly was impressive. The entire dining room experience speaks highly to their management by Alex. My husband and I were very pleased with our overall experience on the Plancius. It may not be the fanciest ship, but its dedicated and experienced crew made some tough landings that elevated the trip for us. We’ll done!Text

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