¡Sí, vale la pena! (Yes, it is worth the effort!)
durch Nathan Caldwell
Abreise in February 2020
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Polarkreis
Schiff: MS Plancius
Aktivitäten: Wandern an der Küste, Schneeschuhwandern, Südlicher See-Elefant, Seeleopard
It is not easy to get to Antarctica no matter how it is done! Oceanwide indeed made it worthwhile! We indeed had a journey of a lifetime, and were able to make Antarctica our 7th continent. Based on what other companies charge and provide, we feel we got great value for our money with Oceanwide. We valued the excursions, which were safely run for both the voyagers and the wildlife and the environment. We also appreciated the ship's crews performance and service-first attitude. The expedition crew was top-notch, both during the excursions, and with sharing their expertise during the daily presentations, and more oftern during the day crossing the Drake! Ali Liddle was a remarkable expedition leader who worked with the ship's crew and her team to provide us with the best possible and safe experiences. We felt the food, drink and lodging were excellent and reflected the Oceanwide priorities of value over luxury. We liked the coffee/espresso/tea machine in the lounge,too! We'd highly recommend Oceanwide to friends, family and business associates who are considering a voyage to Antarctica!,
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