Blue Ice
durch Dale Jacobsen
Abreise in February 2013
Region: Das ultimative Antarktis-Abenteuer
Reiseziele: Rossmeer
Aktivitäten: Wandern an der Küste, Königspinguin, Schwarzbrauenalbatros
I had waited a lifetime to do this trip. I hoped it would live up to my expectations. Well, it was so far above and beyond anything I had hoped for, two years later, I am still under its influence. Most likely will be for the rest of my life. I need to return! My main reason for going was to see blue ice. Anyone who thinks ice is white needs to see it for themselves. The blue is so intense, at times, it hurts the eyes. I needed to walk where the explorers from the heroic age had walked; needed to step inside their huts and 'feel' them. I pushed way past my comfort zone frequently, but always in safety. Oceanwide are good like that. They choose expert guides who take the time to get to know each expeditioner, and instinctively know how far they can push each one to get the most out of the experience. I fell in love with Ortelius. Is it possible to love a boat? The gentle thrum of her engines became like a heartbeat. Being a writer, this adventure was always going to end up in a book. "Why Antarctica? a Ross Sea odyssey" Full of photos and video clips, is now available on: iBooks | Kindle
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