Oceanwide Expeditions Continues Charity Donations Based on Passenger Reviews

by Oceanwide Expeditions Nachrichten 17.03.2022

Some years ago, we made an offer to our former passengers: For every review they left on our website, we would donate €5 to a charity of their choice. This resulted in donations to four excellent nature conservation organizations, and we were happy to continue the tradition this year.

Regionen: Antarktis, Arktis

Some years ago, we made an offer to our former passengers: For every review they left on our website, we would donate €5 to a charity of their choice. This resulted in donations to four excellent nature conservation organizations, and we were happy to continue the tradition this year.

We were even happier with the results. Not only do we now have over 550 customer reviews and an average rating of 9.6/10 on our site, but more importantly, we’ve had the honor of making donations to aid the good work of the following organizations.

  • 4Ocean (45 votes, €225)
  • Birdlife International (26 votes, €130)
  • WWF (43 votes, €215)
  • Falklands Conservation (35 votes, €175)

4Ocean is an American company working to remove plastic waste from the oceans. Its efforts are largely funded by the sale of bracelets made from recycled materials. The company has pledged to remove one pound of trash from the ocean and coastline for each bracelet sold.

BirdLife International is a global partnership of organizations that seek to conserve birds, bird habitats, and global biodiversity. Many of the areas we visit in the Arctic and Antarctic are designated Important Bird Areas by BirdLife based on their rare or endangered species.

The World Wide Fund for Nature, or WWF (also the World Wildlife Fund), is an international non-governmental organization that works to preserve the wilderness and reduce human impact on the environment.

Falklands Conservation is a charity designed to protect the environment and wildlife of the Falkland Islands, one of our beloved and most longstanding travel destinations in the South Atlantic.

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