Oceanwide Expeditions rebuilds deck 5 aboard Ortelius

by Oceanwide Expeditions Nachrichten 03.01.2014

The mv Ortelius will built brand new cabins on deck 5 to complete the refurbishment program.

We are very pleased to announce a complete refit of all cabins on deck 5 aboard our vessel Ortelius. Deck 5 will be completely stripped and brand new cabins will be built, including new walls, ceilings, plumbing, electricity, furniture’s and bathrooms. This 1 million dollar investment completes the vessel’s refurbishment program, bringing the vessel to a an upscale hotel standard similar to our vessel Plancius.

The rebuilding activities will take place in the Netherlands in May this year, prior to the Arctic 2014 season and will be supervised by Oceanwide Marine Services from Vlissingen, the Netherlands. After completion, the vessel will offer accommodation for 116 passengers.

The cabin configuration will change as follows:

  • The suite (535) will be replaced by two superior cabins (509 and 529)
  • Superior cabin 509 will be replaced by one twin deluxe cabin (510) and one twin window cabin (511)
  • Superior cabin 511 and 523 will each be replaced by two twin window cabins (516, 517 and 522, 523)
  • Twin window cabins 518 and 519 will each be rebuilt as superior cabins (519 and 520)
  • Twin window cabin 528 will be rebuilt as twin deluxe cabin (528)
  • Superior cabin 455 (on deck 4) will be replaced by two twin porthole cabins (455 and 456)

The twin window and deluxe cabins will be spacious cabins of approx. 17 square meters. The superior cabins will vary from 19.4 till 21.2 square meters.

The complete cabin plan of the vessel (total of 116 berths) will be as follows:

  • 6 superior cabins = 12 berths
  • 2 twin deluxe cabins = 4 berths
  • 12 twin window cabins = 24 berths
  • 27 twin porthole cabins = 54 berths
  • 2 triple cabins = 6 berths
  • 4 quadruple cabins = 16 berths

The current suite and two additional superior cabins are only available for those clients with a confirmed reservation for the Arctic 2014 and Antarctica 2014-15. The current suite 535 will consist of two superiors (509 and 529), interconnected with a sliding door. The new cabins 510 (twin deluxe) and 511 (twin window) as well as 528 (twin deluxe) and 527 (twin window) will also be connected with an inside door and can be offered as a superior cabin for those clients with a confirmed reservation. For new reservations the new cabin layout will apply.

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