From Aberdeen to Arctic
bij Julia Garner
Vertrek in June 2023
bij Julia Garner
Vertrek in June 2023
Regio: Arctis
Bestemmingen: Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen
Schip: m/v Hondius
Highlights: Poolvos, Gewone Vinvis, Zadelrob, Zwaardwalvis, Ijsbeer, Walrus, Baardrob, Kleine Alk, Koningseider, Wandelen, Vogels kijken op
This expedition exceeded all our expectations. We went to experience the Arctic and that's what we did. The pack ice, views, wildlife ...all wonderful. Fair Isle was uncharacteristically hot in the British heat wave - the puffins and skuas on form. Jan Mayen was experienced as it should be - wet and wild. The pack ice was just stunning - so inspirational for art work and Svalbard - wow - field sketching at 2am in the morning - it just had to be done! The landings were all exciting and to see polar bears, whales, walruses - brilliant. The blue fulmars accompanied us in the north and are now a favourite - little albatrosses of the north. The ship, staff, lectures - all splendid and the food was wonderful! Thank you for the most amazing experience - we'll be back!
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van: 300 USD
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Sailing between our home port of Vlissingen and our most cherished Arctic archipelago, Svalbard, this expedition adventure visits the Scottish port of Aberdeen, the islands of Fair Isle and Jan Mayen, and the amazing Spitsbergen ice edge, giving you...
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31 mei - 16 jun., 2025
•Reiscode: HDS01d25
Sailing between the Scottish port of Aberdeen and our most cherished Arctic archipelago, Svalbard, this expedition adventure visits the islands of Fair Isle and Jan Mayen, and the amazing Spitsbergen ice edge, giving you the chance to search for whales,...
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