I could say a lot about this fantastic trip ! Firstly the expedition staff were an amazing bunch of people with varied interests and knowledge covering all aspects of what you see in Antarctica. They drove us about in the Zodiacs to view wildlife, icebergs, interesting geology and tell us about it all too. Additionally there were lectures most days on a variety of topics so there was always something to be doing or learning. The Expedition Leader and Captain worked well together to avoid dodgy weather and find good locations to explore. Although the plan was fluid there was something to visit most days (some sea-only-days being inevitable on this voyage). The crew looked after us very well - a superb galley staff provided three meals a day with various choices for each - no chance of going hungry on this ship! And if you had a special request the galley will accommodate - which I thought very special. Our cabin was very comfortable and spacious with a large window to view the passing scenery - although the ship does have a lot of outside deck space all round the ship.

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