It was our first cruise. And we really enjoyed it. The crew and expedition team were excellent. We were here to discover the landscape, nature and animals, and not to kill time in a hot tube and drink cocktails. Be reassured ! There is no hot tube onboard :-). But the Plancius offers everything normal people may need. 100 passengers is a perfect size. A smaller sailing boat may even be better for those who are not scared of sea sickness, and who look for less service onboard. We took 2 zodiac cruises per day to discover beautiful places. Thousands of birds, artic foxes, seals, walruses, plus a few polar bears. We were lucky with animals and with the weather. Lots of sun, calm sea and warm temperatures (5 to 15°C). Very good conferences, plus excellent buffets and table diners. Like in a gourmet restaurant. Our opinion : more luxury would be too much. We booked a superior cabin, which provides lots of space. Last element : expect 55-year passengers on average. If you are 25, you may feel a bit alone. But if you are 35-40, you will not be the only ones ! As a conclusion, we think about taking another cruise with the Plancius.

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