fantastic but unfortunately only 3,5 days only on site with no reason given by Oceanside
durch isabelle lepretre
Abreise in March 2017
Fantastic trip Antartica is the probably the travel of a lifetime On the Plancius. Unfortunately we staid only 3,5 days on the peninsula and the continent. 10 days of cruise includes: Departure day (departure at 6 pm from ushuaia) Arrival day (arrival at 7 Am in Ushuaia) Based on a supposed rough weather on the way back, the expedition guide decided to leave the peninsula half a day earlier.... In fact the weather forecast had not announced any storm......and we had a flat sea on the way back Finally we had time to go round the Cap Horn, that is interesting not a polar cruise at all (you can go and see the Cap horn without paying such a high level price) We finally didn't get the cruise and the locations we had bought That had been VERY DISAPPOINTING regarding the price of the cruise I would recommend to be very vigilant with the commitments of Oceanwide, unless you intend to go there several times. I understand that whatever happens the can use the pretext of a bad weather to shorten your cruise in the peninsula (they explain that, in this area it is not possible to have a realistic forecast ........)
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