This trip fulfilled a lifetime dream for my spouse, Pat and I. We cannot say enough good things about Oceanwide Expedition's Leaders, Adam Turner and Sara Jenner.  These two individuals are extreme leaders at the top of their craft.  We were always well-taken care of and they made it possible to reach places via zodiac, that at first, we thought impossible.  Very well-planned and executed!  The zodiac drivers, Ben Giunchi, Daniel Hohne, and Gaby Pilson were also awesome! They made us feel safe and took us to unbelievable places to get close-ups of Penguins and Leopard Seals!  Well done!  We also very much enjoyed the many lectures presented by the crew, especially the one on early Antarctic Explorers by Gunilla Lindh. Gunilla is loaded with personality and always makes us smile!  A very special thank you to Rose, Damian, and Will in the dining room for taking such good care of us during the trip.  AND, also a very special THANK YOU to Rajiv and DJ at the front desk.  Rajiv is always SMILING and there for us anytime we needed anything.  Thanks also to Akhil and John  at the bar for making our drinks and sharing travel experiences.  We highly recommend Oceanwide Expeditions!  Also, we enjoyed Massimo Bassano’s and Myriam Casper’s photo and video lectures.

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