My husband was not excited about traveling to Svalbard , Norway to see Polar Bears, but because I was so anxious to get there he agreed to participate. We were both overwhelmed by the beauty and experience to be in such a unique part of the world. Not only did we see Polar Bears but also walrus, seals, Puffins and numberous other birds. The passing scenery with the green glacial colored water, the blue tinted ice, the dark volcanic mountains partially covered with snow was magnificent. But what added most to our journey was the collective knowledge and friendliness of our guides, each with their own special interests and enthusiasm. We so enjoyed riding at water level in the zodiacs and kayaks, and with each outing we learned alot about the animal life, the geology and history of the area. There is nothing like encountering a seal at the tip of your kayak paddle. The ship and its entire staff were wonderful and truly made it feel like an expedition.

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