MV Plancius/Antarctica experience
durch Isabel Good
Abreise in January 2020
durch Isabel Good
Abreise in January 2020
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel
Schiff: MS Plancius
Aktivitäten: Wandern an der Küste, Adeliepinguin
I have wanted to go to Antarctica for some time, especially after going to Churchill, Canada. It is truly amazing to see such color variation in a mostly monochromatic environment.! The food on board was excellent. All of the staff were friendly and helpful. Penguins were just too cute! Probably the highlight was the Orcas that followed our ship and put on quite a display for us. Lectures were entertaining and surprisingly, it wasn't as cold as I had feared. I brought way too much stuff ! A very nice touch to have a log sent out from the ship and crew.
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