Staff and Ship were Sensational
durch Carol Barsch Bontrager
Abreise in May 2022
durch Carol Barsch Bontrager
Abreise in May 2022
Region: Arktis
Reiseziele: Spitzbergen
Schiff: MS Hondius
Aktivitäten: Sattelrobbe, Eisbär, Papageitaucher, Walross, Bartrobbe, Gryllteiste, Wandern
The entire expedition was a joy. One of the guides, Sarah, gave me a good bit of advice the first night by telling me "You will not regret turning off your email and internet" She was more than right and I thank her for her encouragement to be fully present in the Arctic. The entire staff was talented, kind, entertaining, skilled and professional and personable. The expedition leader, Eduardo, exhibited that rare combination of kindness with empathy, education with enlightenment, project management with team work, directives with humor, expertise with humility and was delightfully friendly. Each person of the entire staff, from the moment we boarded, were helpful, interactive, open, honest, entertaining, hospitable, skilled and professional. My experience with all aspects of the expedition; the ship, the guides, the activities, Captain and bridge , food, accommodations, and equipment exceeded my every expectation.
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