Region: Antarktis

Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel

Schiff: MS Ortelius

The trip to the Antarctic Peninsula on the MV Ortelius was a trip of a lifetime. The ship was smaller than my previous voyages. The cabins were comfortable. The food was of exceptional quality, The staff and crew were fabulous. The initial Drake Passage was calm and without trauma. The stops on the islands near the Antarctic peninsula and the peninsula itself, and Shetland Island stops were spectacular. The Gentoo penguin colonies were a sight to behold. The staff did an excellent job preparing us for the landings and they were very knowledgeable on land as we viewed our surroundings. The zodiac trips were well managed and excursions about the bays were full of delightful scenery. The return passage through the Drake Passage to Ushuaia was a bit rough, but the crew and staff handled it quite well. Overall, a fabulous journey to the outer world.

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