Fabulous Antarctic Excursion aboard the Plancius

durch Jim Rosenthal

Abreise in December 2021

A really fabulous adventure to Antarctica, South Georgia Island, and the Falkland Islands aboard the Plancius. The boat is a perfect size for our 100 passenger voyage. The staff is very personable and helpful. Each day they give presentations about climate, geography, wildlife, a daily recap and plans for the next day. We had ample onshore excursion and zodiac tours of various islands and inlets in the Antarctic peninsula. After several days here, we moved on to South Georgia Island. This seems to be the Galapagos of the South Atlantic, with wildlife that is extremely approachable. The rugged mountainous terrain is breathtaking, and we all visited Grytviken to see the old whale processing station, the museum, and visit Shackleton's burial site. Our final stop on thje voyage was the Falkland Islands to visit the Magellanic penguins and the town of Stanley. All along the entire voyage there was so much to experience!


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