Thank you to everyone at Oceanwide Expeditions for a fantastic trip. Our trip seemed to get better and better every day as the unique wildlife and exceptional scenery was revealed to us. It was a very nice feeling to know that the team of experts that guided us were making the best decisions for us to ensure that we had the best possible experience every day whilst we ate and drank heartily, told stories of the wonders we had seen during the day and slept soundly in our beds at night looking forward to the next wonderful day. We cannot thank the crew and expedition team of the Hondius enough but in particular we have to pick out Adam, Sara and Martin who did a fantastic job even during the difficult final days of our trip when the Coronavirus situation started to become apparent to us all. In these difficult circumstances they did their best to keep us informed as the situation rapidly changed around us. We have to thank them and everyone behind the scenes who enabled us to get off the Hondius and safely home as soon as possible. We look forward to joining Oceanwide Expeditions again in the future to explore the polar regions.

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