Life on 7
durch Stacey Dickinson
Abreise in March 2019
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel
Schiff: MS Ortelius
Aktivitäten: Bergsteigen, Seeleopard
Antarctica for most is an opportunity to check off the seventh continent; to fall within the less than 1% of humans to ever walk on all 7 continents. What you don’t know until you’ve had the good fortune to go is how Antarctica changes your life. You’ve been told of the massive glaciers and the penguin-shredding leopard seals, but what you aren’t told is that you’re about to embark on a voyage with 120 strangers with no cell phone service. In exceptionally close quarters, you’ll bond over career choices and failed relationships. You’ll be inspired by the effort it took fellow passengers to make it to Antarctica. You’ll find yourself intoxicated by the charisma only found on a ship full of determined humans enroute to pursuing one of many dreams they’ll inevitably conquer. I could tell you about humpbacks and zodiacs or the satisfaction of climbing your way to the top of Canessa Point, but that would hardly do justice. Antarctica reinvigorates you. If you’re considering a trip to Antarctica, Oceanwide should be the only choice. If you end up on a ship with Michael, Pippa, Bill, and Mal, consider yourself as having won the Antarctic lottery & brace yourself for the trip of a lifetime
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