
durch Rachel Buckley

Abreise in February 2025

We had the most amazing trip to Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula, everyday we kept thinking it couldn't get better, and then it did! What a priviledge to see all the wildlife and to have such close encounters with many species, including an amazing Zodiac cruise where we were in the centre of a Humpback Whale bubble fishing "net". The scenery was fantastic and made even better by the most wonderful weather. Landing at Point Wild was a real highlight as was South Georgia and seeing A23a up close (and having A23a ice for our drinks in the bar!). When we encountered a Southern Right Whale, and later a large pod of Orcas hunting Fin Whales our Captain enabled us to follow the action by slowing down and turning to keep track of the whales. The Expedition Guides, ably led by Pippa were outstanding; all able to impart their knowledge to us either during our landings and Zodiac cruises or in the myriad of interesting and informative lectures on board Hondius. All the crew made us feel so welcome on board and did everything (including cooking many delicous meals) to enhance our Antarctic experience. It's an adventure we'll never forget!Text

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