Amazing experience
durch Mario D'Angelo
Abreise in January 2023
durch Mario D'Angelo
Abreise in January 2023
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel
Schiff: MS Ortelius
Aktivitäten: Adeliepinguin, Kehlstreifpinguin, Südlicher See-Elefant, Eselspinguin, Buckelwal, Wanderalbatros, Weddellrobbe, Riesensturmvogel, Kormorane
Antarctica is a truly breathtaking and otherworldly destination. The stark white landscapes, towering glaciers, and diverse array of wildlife make for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The journey to the southernmost continent is also an adventure in itself, with rough seas and unpredictable weather adding to the sense of remoteness and isolation. The trip to Antarctica starts from Ushuaia, Argentina, where we boarded a ship that took us across the Drake Passage, which is known for its rough waters. Despite the rocky crossing, the journey was worth it as soon as we arrived to the Antarctic Peninsula. Once on the continent, we were able to go on daily excursions to explore the various islands and inlets. We saw colonies of penguins, seals lounging on ice floes, and whales breaching the surface of the water. The highlight of the trip was probably the landscapes, made of massive ice formations, mountains and floating icebergs. The accommodation and food on the ship were also excellent, with comfortable cabins and delicious meals prepared by the ship's chefs. The staff was also very friendly and knowledgeable, making for a great experience overall.
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