Going to Antarctica was a big big BIG dream of mine - and what can I say, it was magnificent. Antarctica feels so incredible and otherwordly, it's like Drake Passage is a vortex taking you through time and space to another planet or dimension. I chose the "Antarctica - Elephant Island - Weddell Sea - Polar Circle" voyage simply because it was one of the longest ones still in my budget and I have no regrets - I loved seeing different kinds of landscape. All the guides told us that we were incredibly lucky with the weather and the wildlife - but I also know we were lucky because of the passion and expertise of the Oceanwide team. Everyone involved - from the expedition leader and guides to the captain and his officers to the hotel staff - worked tirelessly to give us our best possible experience in Antarctica. I always thought this would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip. It definitely was, but also: I kind of want to go back now... - in the meantime I'll check out Oceanwide's offers in the Arctic.

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