This was an amazing trip. We had so many fantastic experiences - seeing the Emporer perguins was particularly special, but we enjoyed all our expeditions. The expedition staff could not have been more friendly and helpful, but all the staff were great. I am reluctant to name names beacause everyone was so fantastic, but Gary was a willing source of information all the time, Sara did a wonderful job of organising us all and had a particular enthusiasm that added a lot to our trip, Chloe introduced us to the love of plankton and took us on a wild zodiac ride, Werner did a fantastic job of the powerpoint that we got to keep- and show to all our friends. We had lots of interesting lectures. The bridge crew were so helpful, and it was a real bonus to be able to go on the bridge. If it should happen that this is the only Antarctic trip we ever get to do, I will always be glad we chose this one.

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